- Added an aircraft type option (premium).
- Bugfix: in the 2024 version, some LNAV data was not initialized correctly after restarting a GTN unit.
- Bugfix: the com frequency display may be wrong with 25Khz channel spacing.
- APGA: fixed an issue where the indicated altitude may be wrong (99000) when swapping GPS.
- Bugfix (2024): some user waypoints may have bad dtk/distance when the GTN750 toolbar is used with a G1000Nxi.
- Bugfix: Sim Metar fallback (without avwx token) was not working.
- Bugfix: On MSFS 2024, when using the stock Asobo flight planner, setting procedures was impossible.
- Bugfix: Airport name not displayed in the direct To nearest airport list.
- Separate GTN750 packages for MSFS2020 and MSFS2024.
- Changed the WTT active mode detection.
- Bugfix: Can’t select a visual approach in v2.2.43
- Bugfix: from v2.2.42, the find Nearest frequency page is empty.
- Bugfix: in V2.2.42 , the WT autopilot may not initialize correctly in some aircraft.
- MSFS 2024 compatibility (experimental).
- In the airport info preview page, if Navigraph is available, the map now displays a detailed airport view.
- Bugfix: altitude constraints on the map page may be wrong for the departure waypoints.
- Bugfix: the com frequency digit part on the radio part may be wrong (display bug, the sim frequency itself is correct).
- Bugfix: the toolbar panel on Xbox was not synchronizing correctly with the WT G3X.
- Bugfix: the Add Waypoint button on the flight plan page may fail when there is an approach or an arrival loaded.
- Bugfix: In v2.2.38, some waypoint info data may be wrong or not displayed.
- Bugfix: WTT mode. Direct To a waypoint of the flight plan may target the wrong one if the same waypoint is used at several places. Note: this bug still exists in non-WTT mode because the stock Asobo SDK is not able to manage this situation.
- Bugfix: some frequencies were not set correctly when using the 25Khz channel spacing.
- Bugfix: the unit may fail to read the config from panel.xml file.
- Bugfix: the TOGA indicator in the AP panel was not set correctly.
- Defender false positive on v 2.2.35.
- Bugfix: VNAV data not correctly updated in some situations.
- Bugfix AP panel: the active lateral mode may be blank after auto switch to VLOC mode.
- Bugfix: Error in in the TAS calculation algorithm especially for high altitudes.
- WTT mode: added a config option to enable GS arming when the NAV source is GPS. The default is to disable GS in this case.
- Bugfix: wrong TOD position while in direct To.
- Bugfix: wrong TOD position when there is a magnetic deviation.
- WT Mode: the approach constraints are editable now.
- Added VNAV driven by the autopilot. Premium only. Requires the internal WTT mode.
- Scrolling the flight plan after adding a waypoint.
- Bugfix: Direct To a user waypoint not working.
- Bugfix: Workaround to a WT issue: wrong DTK when the aircraft is on the ground and not moving.
- Bugfix: The TOD waypoint position may be wrong.
- Bugfix: The flight page may be corrupted after a direct To a departure or arrival waypoint.
- Bugfix: Arrival altitude constraint type not displayed correctly.
- WTT mode: Added the “Revert Constraint” button to revert an edited constraint to the original published data.
- Bugfix: Autopilot re-engaging by itself after landing when there is no flight director in the aircraft.
- Aircraft developers can force the WTT mode.
- Bugfix: the “activate vectors to final” button was not greyed for the Asobo flight planner on the procedure page.
- G3X compatibility bug fixes after the latest SU15 beta update.
- Bugfix: the departure constraints are not displayed.
- Bugfix: the distance to destination field freezes the map page.
- The WT layer has been upgraded to the latest version of the framework. This is a major change so you are encouraged to keep the previous version somewhere and revert to it if you encounter a problem.
- The GTN750 can be configured as an external navigator for the WT G3X.
- Aircraft developers can now embed a specific version of the GTN750 in their package.
- WT G3X compatibility code step 4.
- Bugfix: WTT: importing a flight plan with user waypoints was not working in the previous versions (probably from 2.2.19).
- WT G3X compatibility code step 3.
- Removing a file from the package that overrides an Asobo avionics file. This override had no consequences on the sim but it no longer seems necessary.
- Smoothing the fuel ring display to avoid small fluctuations.
- WT G3X compatibility code step 2.
- Bugfix: the active leg was not displayed correctly in the flight plan page when flying the leg to the destination airport.
- Bugfix: opening the Navigraph charts panel may change the NAV source from GPS to VLOC.
- Bugfix: WT G3X compatibility code: approaches not working.
- Bugfix: With the helicopter models, the CDI button may not switch from VLOC to GPS.
- Bugfix: The flight plan synchronization to ATC may fail.
- Preparing the code for an upcoming WT G3X compatibility.
- WTT mode: Smoothing the transition from ALT to VS mode.
- APGA: bugfix: the WTT detection may fail in case of GPS hot swapping.
- APGA: workaround to an Asobo bug that may issue some unexpected H events after a flight restart. If you have installed one of the WTT additional package for the BrsDesign bonanza or debonair, the Erasam tecnam P92, the Milviz C310, you should upgrade it to the latest version.
- Increasing the nearest airspace refresh rate.
- WTT mode: added half/low bank management.
- WTT mode: added config parameters for bank angle values.
- WTT mode: added some code for checking the flight plan integrity.
- WTT mode: Added the manual arming altitude management. See the integrator’s guide.
- Safe taxi: the night view is now also set at sunset and sunrise times (only at night time in previous versions).
- Bugfix: the initial departure path my be wrong when starting from the parking.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: Removing a waypoint may not update correctly the flight plan path.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: Some enroute waypoints may not be loaded from the ATC flight plan.
- Added a DTK Auto Sync option that automatically sets the CRS value to the current GPS desired track (premium).
- Added an option for an extended volume knob management. In this mode, you can use the volume knob to zoom in/out, scroll up/down and back to the previous page (premium).
- Fixed some issues when adding/removing origin/destination.
- WTT mode: a random direct To an airport sets the airport as the flight plan destination so it’s possible to choose an approach.
- Bugfix: The WTT mode may fail to start making the autopilot not working as expected.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: a direct TO may turn the aircraft in the wrong direction.
- Changed the OBS logic.
- Added the Direct TO course setting (WTT mode and premium).
- Smoothing of the Wind velocity value.
- Added the TO/GA management in WTT mode.
- Added a WTT config entry in the panel.xml file (see the integrator’s guide).
- Bugfix: WTT mode external: the instrument may be unresponsive when connected to the WT GNS530. This issue happens only in v2.2.12.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: the displayed path for CF leg types was sometimes wrong.
- Bugfix: toolbar panel display issues in VR when the panel size is high.
- Bugfix: the bingmap roads map was not selectable in the previous version.
- Bugfix: a direct to the first waypoint of a VTF approach was making the approach not work correctly.
- Bugfix: with the Asobo flight planner, the direct To arrow was not displayed in the approach sequence.
- Added a way for integrators to customize the CDI button behavior. See the integrator’s guide.
- Added custom map layers in the utility map page. See the file custom_map_layers_example.txt located in the package Config folder.
- Added a map traffic range option for the main map page.
- Added a sort alpha button for airway exit waypoint selection.
- BugFix: WTT mode: The flight director may not initialize correctly in some aircraft (ex TBM 850).
- Added the Navigraph US FAA Map on the utility page (premium).
- Changed the way to select the Utility maps.
- Added the possibility to independently disable XPDR and Audio panel (premium). The freed space is then used for user fields.
- WTT mode: Added a visual button in the map page (see the manual chapter “Map Visual button”). Premium feature.
- Bugfix: the Bingmap key was saved at the instrument level instead of the global level.
- Added an option for displaying user fields as a replacement for the audio panel and transponder (premium).
- Bugfix GTN650: The wind direction in the default navigation page was bad (Track up instead of North Up).
- Bugfix: WTT mode: bad target Direct To in the flight plan page when activating an approach and the last enroute waypoint is the same as the IAF.
- Bugfix: The map waypoint’s constraint may blink if the waypoint appears 2 times in the flight plan.
- Bugfix: The new toolbar panel events were not working in the previous release.
- Fallback to the sim Metar if AVWX call fails. The sim Metar is less detailed and there is no TAF data.
- Bugfix: WTT external mode: Restarting the GTN750 toolbar panel while flying a hold may reset the active leg.
- Added the GTN750 toolbar panel events mapping (H events simulation). Premium only.
- Added a new set of GPS hot swapping variables for a deeper control (integrator’s only). See the latest integrator’s guide.
- We are now Using the BingMap APi for elevation data (requires the Bingmap key).
- Added a virtual mouse to control the instruments from external hardware. Premium only.
- WTT mode: The VS autopilot director has been updated.
- Bugfix: The nearest airport list may fail to initialize.
- Added the Find button in the frequency selection page (premium).
- Bugfix: issues around the COM Channel spacing saving state.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: ILS approach not working with the Black Square TBM 850.
- Added an option to disable the click sound.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: Leaving OBS mode may corrupt the flight plan.
- The flight plan “insert before” button now works for the origin so it can be changed.
- The origin is pre-populated with the nearest airport if the Asobo flight plan is empty.
- Bugfix: the airport altitude may be bad after a hot GPS swapping.
- WTT mode: Better management of adding waypoints on the flight plan page.
- Bugfix: Some frequencies were not settable from the frequency keyboard (ex 120.030).
- Added an option to show/hide the bush trip flight plan (hidden by default).
- Bugfix: The trip timer was reset at touch down when the criteria is “In Air”.
- Bugfix: More than one active waypoint is displayed on the map page.
- Bugfix: the sim VFR map may not refresh the flight path.
- Bugfix: bad IAF detection for a few approaches.
- Added an external brightness control mode.
- Bugfix: Heliport waypoint may not be selectable or is incorrectly displayed.
- Bugfix: The user waypoint icon is not displayed from v2.1.98.
- Bugfix: Some HOLD types were editable when they shouldn’t (HA and HF leg types).
- Bugfix: Waypoint label size and position issues.
- Import from Simbrief: importing the enroute altitude constraints.
- Bugfix: the “Load Approach & Activate” button in the approach selection page was issuing a vectors to final instead of a direct To the STRGHT waypoint.
- Bugfix: Weather radar displayed with a bad vertical offset.
- Added the Fast find feature in the waypoint selection page. Premium only.
- Added the TOD waypoint in the main map page when the vertical calculator (VCALC) is active. Experimental feature.
- Bugfix: the WTT mode may fail to start in Cold and Dark mode for some aircraft.
- Bugfix: WTT mode. When doing a new flight after landing without leaving the world map, the RNAV approach mode may not work on the next flight.
- Added the map waypoint feature. This allows a direct To any clicked map point. When the clicked point is not a valid ICAO waypoint, this creates a map waypoint. Then, if you press the direct To, you will see this map waypoint directly selected so you can direct to it. This works also from the utility map. Premium only.
- Added the flight plan path in the utility map.
- Bugfix: when removing an approach in WTT mode, the destination ident is the runway instead of the airport.
- Bugfix: the Fuel planning utility works now with the A2A Comanche.
- Added the arc view on the terrain page.
- Added Knob events in the waypoint selection page (experimental).
- Fixed some fuel planning issues.
- Bugfix: The waypoint airport info page may not display correctly.
- Bugfix: some ILS frequencies were sometimes not displayed.
- Autopilot utility: For the GTN650, the HDG, CRS, OBS and Baro buttons are now available from the contextual menu.
- Enroute constraint altitudes are now saved with the flight plan (as “At” type only).
- Added the Generic and trip timer values as a map field.
- Bugfix: some H events sent from external hardware/software may not be received by the first unit if the instrument is connected to COM1/NAV1 and is indexed in the panel.cfg file. This happens with the H145 helicopter.
- Bugfix: The waypoint airport info page may not display correctly.
- Bugfix: Fixed some direct To issues when using the stock Asobo flight planner.
- Rebuilding the traffic code.
- Added a traffic refresh rate option.
- Added the autopilot panel in the GTN650.
- Added the time zone on the airport info page.
- Added Aera and G3X (not touch) versions compatible with the WTT mode.
- Bugfix: No map VOR ring for VORTAC.
- Bugfix: the visual approach was not working as expected for the G3X WTT aircraft. This requires updating your WTT mode for these aircraft.
- Bugfix: in WTT mode, the last enroute waypoint before the arrival segment may be displayed as part of the arrival when there is no approach in the flight plan.
- Bugfix: wrong range ring calculation when the fuel unit is not the gallon.
- Added the fuel range rings in the main map page (premium).
- Bugfix: the user waypoint label may not display correctly.
- Added direct To a user waypoint for the stock Asobo flight planner (already working for WT flight planner).
- Smoothing transitions for the airplane icon and tiles in the utility map page.
- Fixed a few minor bugs.
- Added the map fields DME distance and VOR Radial (To and From). Premium only.
- Added the map fields Altitude above ground (AGL) and True airspeed.
- Added a track vector to the map page (premium).
- Added the VOR rings on the map page (with option).
- Added the altitude constraint display in the VCALC waypoint selection list.
- Added a global option for fuel type and fuel unit.
- Added a shortcut to access the options page from the map page. See the “Status bar shortcuts” chapter in the manual.
- Separate options for NDB and VOR display on the map page.
- Bugfix: The airport info runway map got blinking labels.
- Bugfix: some flight plan waypoint labels were not refreshed correctly.
- Added a G3X version compatible with the WTT mode (for integrators, see the integrator’s guide).
- The map TRK field is now the plane heading if the ground speed is less than 2kts.
- Import user waypoints from sim ATC: the 5 first characters of the waypoint label is now used for naming the waypoint instead of USRxx. Note: if a waypoint with the same label but different coordinates already exists, we still use USRxx as the name.
- Added an option to optimize FPS on the map page.
- The map waypoint loader has been rebuilt. More waypoints and faster display.
- Faster flight plan updates on the flight plan page.
- Changed the runway lines options. Now you can set the maximum zoom level to display them.
- Flight plan import: user waypoints with an ICAO code are now accepted (a workaround to a Navigraph charts issue).
- Changed the map colors.
- Changed the main font.
- Added a few animations.
- Better icon quality.
- Knob mode reset to COM action after 30s of inactivity if the previous action was NAV.
- Added a KnobPushLong event. The action is the standby/active frequency swapping. This requires some modifications by the aircraft developers.
- Added a DTK change alert message (premium and WTT mode only).
- Added a Traffic alert message (premium).
- Added the runway lines for the destination airport (premium).
- Added a safe taxi feature (requires a Navigraph subscription for charts). Check the documentation for further information.
- Added IVAO as a data source on the ATC utility page.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: The autopilot module may fail to initialize with the cold and dark mode.
- Added the Navigraph VFR/IFR map in the utility map (requires a Navigraph subscription for charts).
- Added auto zoom on the main map page.
- Added UTC time and local time as map fields.
- Map field selection is sorted alphabetically.
- Best sorting of the airport chart list.
- Bugfix: in WTT mode the flight director may fail to initialize.
- Added a scale factor in the utilities map page (Bing map).
- Added Bing map display customization files.
- Transponder OFF state management.
- Added SimBrief direct import (premium).
- WTT mode: Optimization of the flight path calculator.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: Import from ATC may duplicate the origin airport waypoint.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: In case of flight restart the flight plan was not synchronized back to the ATC.
- Bugfix: WTT mode. The active leg may be bad after importing a flight plan.
- Bugfix: Hot swapping. Some other html gauges may fail to start after a flight restart.
- Bugfix: on the DALT/TAS/Winds page, the displayed CAS was not correct when using sensor data.
- Added an ATC panel for VATSIM users (utilities menu).
- Bugfix: the airspace stays displayed when returning from an external view, even if the option is not set in the map menu.
- Bugfix: the fuel planning menu is not displaying.
- DALT/TAS/Winds page: TRK set to HDG when GS is less than 2kts and using sensor data.
- Added the constraint altitude for the STRGHT visual approach waypoint.
- Added a Magnetic/True option on the DALT/TAS/Winds page.
- Bugfix: the flight timers were not working in v 2.1.79.
- The VCALC Messages are now specific to each unit.
- Adding Logs utility. This is a sim variable viewer. The free version displays only some GTN750 variables. The premium version displays all the sim variables and allows editing of the file that defines the variables to display.
- Bugfix: The visual approach selection for runway 36 hangs.
- Bugfix: Setting a map field on a page may change it on another page.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: The message “Arrival at waypoint” may come too early in case of a direct To.
- Bugfix: The engine part was not displayed when using a G1000MFD replacement package for a stock aircraft.
- Added the DALT/TAS/Winds utility page (premium).
- Added Waypoint info, Fuel, Timers and DALT/TAS as target pages for the map fields.
- Added an option (premium) to display more fields on the map. Check the documentation chapter “Map field pages”.
- Integrators only: simplification of the integration steps. See our integrator’s guide (guide version v1.25 minimum).
- WTT mode: Allow a combination of a GTN750 as unit 1 and a WT GNS530/430 as unit 2. This is an experimental feature that could have side effects.
- Bugfix: The distance to the STRGHT waypoint when activating a visual approach was bad. Side effect: the VCALC was stopping calculation in this case.
- Bugfix: The DTK in the flight plan page may be bad in case of direct To the IAF.
- Bugfix: Possible sim crash when activating an approach while there is a current direct To.
- Added an option to display TCAS traffic even below 500ft AGL.
- Added a traffic icon in the map page.
- Bugfix: A direct to a random waypoint may hang the instrument in WTT mode (bug only in v2.1.72).
- Fixed SAR display issues in WTT external mode.
- WTT mode. Added all altitude constraint types (previously only AT type).
- Fixed some synchronization bugs in WTT external mode.
- Bugfix: GNS530 interface: the approach data was not correctly synchronized with GNS530 making some approaches not work correctly.
- Bugfix: When switching from external WTT mode (ex GNS530) to the GTN750 internal WTT mode, the flight plan may be lost. We now reload it automatically from the ATC in this situation (you must be on the ground). We remind users that the host swapping should be done just after entering in the cockpit.
- Bugfix: WTT mode. Not possible to direct To the STRGHT or FINAL waypoints of a visual approach.
- Bugfix: WTT mode. The NAV source may not initialize correctly.
- Bugfix: WTT mode. The target altitude may not be correctly captured.
- Bugfix: WTT mode (for aircraft developers). When integrating the WTT mode in the cockpit and the GTN750 package is not installed, some aircraft gauges may not work correctly.
- Bugfix: WTT mode. The default vertical mode was always PITCH. Now it’s taken from the aircraft config file.
- Bugfix: when switching from WT GNS550 to GTN750 in WTT mode, the autopilot management may be lost.
- The GTN750 may fail to start.
- Added an option for default VFR code (1200/7000).
- Bugfix: some aircraft with the new GPS hot switching may not work with the stock GNS530 (ex Carenado PC12 and Ovation).
- Bugfix: The altitude selection in WTT mode for some Carenado aircraft may be wrong.
- Bugfix: Map HSi is always displayed even if the option is not set.
- Bugfix: Corrupted map with some pln files imported from the world map (a workaround to an Asobo bug).
- Bugfix: New GPS hot swapping: the GTN750 may fail or take a long time to restart.
- Bugfix: wrong detection of the WTT mode if there is no autopilot in the aircraft.
- Bugfix: the flight plan import may fail to load the approach.
- Added a map icon option on the options page. The icon can be “Propeller”, “Helicopter” or “Jet”.
- Baro range on the autopilot page is now 28-32 inHg (948-1084 mb).
- GPS hot swapping: compatibility with WT GNS530 1.0.4.
- Better WTT mode detection.
- Removed the “Import from ATC” button because it doesn’t work well with the WT GNS530 for now.
- Few bug fixes with GPS switching.
- bugfix: GPS switching: the GTN750 may fail to power on in case of flight restart.
- bugfix: when used with the WT GNS530 as an external WT engine, the flight plan may be corrupted if no destination is entered in the world map.
- bugfix: wrong VCALC time to descent value.
- VCALC: if the target waypoint is part of the approach and the approach is not activated and you are flying the leg to the airport, VCALC is calculating as if you did a direct TO the target waypoint (the one defined in VCALC).
- New GPS switching mechanism (same as Working Title). The old one keeps working for compatibility issues but will be deprecated in the future.
- Adding ATC flight plan import feature.
- The system status page displays 3 values for WTT mode: “None”, “External” and “Internal”. External means connected to an external WT instrument (ex GNS530 or G1000Nxi). The internal mode uses our internal WT engine.
- bugfix: WTT mode: importing a flight plan with many waypoints could freeze the sim for a few seconds.
- bugfix: WTT mode: VCALC calculation may be wrong when the target waypoint is part of the approach and the approach is not activated.
- WTT mode: v2 is now released. This requires updating the WTT additional packages for your aircraft.
- WTT mode: automatic ATC synchronization (no manual button needed anymore). Only with WTT v2.
- integration: the embedded integration is not available anymore.
- bugfix: FPS drop in v2.1.57.
- Preparing the code for the future WT switching GPS feature.
- Bugfix: distance calculations in flight plan page and map fields.
- Bugfix: ETE field may disappear sometimes in WTT mode.
- Bugfix WTT mode: a direct To action may not work if there is a previous one.
- Bugfix: WTT mode V2. The AP may re-engage automatically in some cases.
- Bugfix: activating a leg may target the next one in rare cases.
- Bugfix: WTT mode V2. The approach arm state may be bad for RNAV.
- Bugfix: Flight plan issues when it comes from the world map and contains more than a user waypoint. Occurs only with the stock sim flight planner.
- Bugfix in WTT mode (V1): Starting from SU11 the enroute waypoints were not loaded from the world map flight plan.
- Bugfix: Create user waypoint not working in V2.1.51.
- Bugfix: WTT V2 mode: In some aircraft (ex analog King Air) the setting of the minimums was not working.
- Bugfix: METAR not displayed if there is no TAF data at the target airport.
- Adding SAR Patterns (premium).
- Bugfix: WTT mode: No map GSI for visual approaches.
- Bugfix: possible stutters in the flight plan page for flight plans with many waypoints.
- WTT mode: possible side effects when restarting the GPS unit.
- Experimental new WTT mode (v2) based on the latest WT code. Requires a specific test package (see our discord).
- Bugfix: possible stutters in the flight plan page for flight plans with many waypoints.
- Changed the way to calculate flight plan distances.
- WTT mode: Reducing flight path refresh rate in the map page if there are too many waypoints in the flight plan. This is to optimize FPS.
- Bugfix: WTT: can’t load some STAR procedures if there is no specific runway.
- Bugfix: leaving OBS mode may sometimes not switch to Direct To.
- Removed the use of the Laurin server for traffic data because it may drop FPS when entering the map page.
- Adding L variables for Knob state and current COM/NAV index.
- Entering OBS mode now displays a page to set the OBS angle.
- Adding TAF weather data to the airport info page.
- WTT mode: allow removing an approach waypoint while the approach is active.
- SU11 compatibility (still compatible with SU10).
- Bugfix: can’t add an enroute waypoint when a STAR is loaded.
- Altitude constraints can now be set to max 49900ft instead of 19900ft.
- Bugfix: the VCALC utility was giving bad information for approach waypoints.
- Bugfix: the map field DIS (distance) was changing too early.
- City information is not displayed anymore for waypoint info (except for airports) because there is currently an Asobo issue with city data.
- Fixed some bugs for departure and arrival selections.
- WTT mode: possibility to select an arrival or departure procedure without transition when available.
- Adding a way to share a bank of user waypoints across aircraft.
- Bugfix: Disable traffic and terrain buttons in the map menu when the license is not active.
- WTT mode: reducing some small flight plan waypoints overshoot.
- The ADF standby frequency can now be set directly from the Nearest NDB and NDB info pages (premium).
- SU10 compatibility.
- Bugfix: the map CDI cursor was hidden by the From/TO arrow.
- Bugfix: APGA KAP140: the vertical mode may sometimes not turn to VS when engaging AP.
- Workaround to a Simbrief pln file issue (simbrief pln files are missing information for waypoints attached to an airport).
- G1000 MFD replacement mods are now working with the G1000Nxi (be sure to update the G1000 replacement package for your aircraft).
- Audio panel MON button: possibility to change monitoring when the aircraft has COM3 MIC enabled. Pressing the MON button then toggles COM1, COM2, COM1+COM2, NONE.
- Bugfix: some map airport symbol orientations are bad (Workaround to a sim issue).
- Bugfix: removing city information in the waypoint map because this may create stutters (sim issue).
- Added clickable areas in the status bar as shortcuts to home, map and direct To pages.
- Added a way to enter directly the OBS value by clicking the OBS status in the status bar.
- Tested an Ipad touchscreen working solution using the MSFS Pop Out Panel Manager mod and Duet application.
- KAP140 APGA: The ROLL mode now always operates as a wing leveler mode with a 0 bank angle.
- Bugfix: the region name for some small airport codes terminating with 2 numbers (ex WA96) may be wrong. Since we cannot be sure about the region name in this case, it will be left blank.
- Bugfix: Map traffic icons may not be refreshed correctly.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: bad flight plan display when direct To a departure or arrival procedure waypoint.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: Workaround to a Sim bug that may display Arrival waypoints as enroute waypoints.
- Bugfix G1000Nxi compatibility: The toolbar panel init time has been increased to be sure the Nxi is ready before starting the GTN750. This is to prevent some cases where the world map flight plan is not correctly loaded.
- Bugfix: Selection of a user waypoint from the direct To page was not working as expected (WTT mode).
- Bugfix: The load approach button may flash on the approach procedure selection page.
- Bugfix WTT mode: missed approach active flag was not cleared after deleting a flight plan.
- The flight plan delete button is now always enabled.
- Bugfix: some H events for the direct To page were not triggered correctly.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: some fields (ex DIS) or leg distance are not correct when there is no origin and destination in the stock sim flight plan.
- Bugfix: HDG line angle was not correct in the map north up mode.
- Bugfix: right-click in map view engages the pan mode.
- Bugfix: right-click in chart view engages the pan mode.
- APGA: fixed an issue where the armed selected altitude may be bad. This bug occurred only in WTT mode if you try to set yourself the “AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR” instead of using the dedicated APGA events to change the selected altitude.
- Improved stability in WTT mode for VOR and LOC navigation.
- Bugfix: Autopilot page: the altitude selector in the GTN750 toolbar panel was not working correctly.
- Added an HDG line on the map page when turning the HDG knob (premium).
- Bugfix in GTN650 VCALC target waypoint selection.
- Added an option to disable win data when on the ground.
- WTT mode: added code for disabling auto arming.
- GSI display on map: works now when not in autopilot approach mode.
- APGA: workaround to the 99000 altitude display (WTT mode only, the issue still exists with the Asobo AP manager).
- Bugfix on the distance to destination map field (DTD).
- Fixed a few bugs for the G1000Nxi v12.2 compatibility (flying phase and GSI display).
- APGA: we can now adjust the altitude while in ALT mode by the way of the UP/DN buttons.
- APGA: code reorganization. This allows modifying the code for your own needs without changing the original code.
- Bugfix: The VNAV options waypoint name was not set correctly (always GILRA).
- Bugfix: WTT mode: the missed approach waypoints were not displayed correctly.
- The autopilot page is available as a map field.
- The Sat/Road map page is available as a map field.
- The backspace event was not working on the transponder keyboard.
- Lowercase letter events were not working in the general text keyboard.
- Digit 0 event was not working on some keyboards.
- Optimizing GPS switching code (disabling GTN750 interaction when hidden).
- Added NextGen Bandeirante and Milviz 310R as WTT compatible aircraft.
- Autopilot page and APGA: Fixed some bugs with FLC and ALT modes with the sim stock autopilot manager.
- G1000Nxi v0.12 compatibility. Requires a G1000Nxi patch (check the documentation).
- bugfix: nearest airspace list empty.
- SU9 compatibility.
- Bugfix: Nxi compatibility: The first display of a waypoint map or procedure preview was resetting the Nxi selected altitude.
- Added events to the transponder keyboard.
- Bugfix: Airway loading gets stuck on the exit point selection.
- WTT Mode: Bugfix: NAV source not correctly initialized when the aircraft is started in VLOC mode.
- Displaying the current VLOC source: VLOC1 or VLOC2.
- APGA: captured altitude was not correct.
- APGA: option for working with a mechanical altitude selector.
- Autopilot page and APGA: fixed some bugs in approach mode detection.
- Better GSI detection in WTT mode.
- Autopilot page and APGA: Added combined modes Go Around and Level.
- Autopilot page and APGA: Added altitude selection phases.
- Autopilot page and APGA: Few bug corrections.
- Autopilot page: the mouse wheel can be used on the UP/DN buttons (toolbar panel only).
- WTT mode: workaround to a WT bug that may not update a sim GPS variable correctly.
- Autopilot page: Up and Down buttons available in pitch mode.
- Added a new autopilot module (named APGA) to simplify the building of autopilot panels.
- Autopilot page: Added an optional manual arm mode for targeting a selected altitude.
- Autopilot gauge made open source to help aircraft builders create their own autopilot gauge.
- SU9 Compatibility step 3 (fixed black screen in G1000 MFD replacement).
- bugfix: Wind direction was taken as magnetic north instead of true north.
- Autopilot page: Added FLC mode.
- Autopilot page: Added mouse wheel events for HDG, CRS and Baro settings (panel only).
- Autopilot page: Added baro std button.
- Integrator’s guide: adding a chapter about the autopilot gauges.
- bugfix: delete flight plan may not remove completely the destination.
- SU9 Compatibility step 2.
- bugfix: Nexrad setting was not kept when leaving the map page.
- Compatibility to SU9 step 1.
- Bugfix: No return to map after activating a direct To.
- The map page can now display, North Up, HDG Up and TRK Up.
- Removed the city display option because of an MSFS issue (stutters).
- Added an autopilot panel (premium). Not compatible with all aircraft (check documentation).
- Bugfix: WTT Mode: CDI was flashing in OBS mode.
- Bugfix: WTT Mode: bad management of the OBS/SUSP button.
- Reset OBS when canceling a direct TO.
- Added a hover color for buttons.
- A double click on the utilities map allows adding a user waypoint at selected coordinates.
- Bugfix: giving more time for the storage system to initialize.
- WTT mode: User waypoints can be the direct To target.
- G1000 Nxi 0.11.0 compatibility (requires a Nxi patch, check the documentation).
- Added H events to access the GTN750 pages.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: The departure active leg was not correct.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: the KAP140 VS mode was not working as expected when engaging the autopilot.
- Bugfix: fuel planning: unselecting sensor data was giving a bad fuel flow value for a multi-engine aircraft.
- Bugfix: The flight plan path was not displayed in the case of direct To and an empty flight plan.
- Added the Got Friends Optica WTT compatibility.
- Disabling COM1/COM2 switch if the aircraft doesn’t accept COM2.
- WTT mode: adding a way to reload the stock sim flight plan (import button in flight plan page menu). Premium only.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: the GPS WP NEXT ID simvar was not set correctly.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: the GTN750 could freeze if the world map FP is empty.
- Added an auto-center button in the utilities map.
- Map key saved in the game to avoid losing it after a Mod update.
- Radio part frequency names enlarged.
- Option to set COM1/NAV1 and COM2/NAV2 frequencies.
- Added display of WTT mode and COM/NAV index in the system status page.
- Added 3 WTT compatible aircraft: Carenado Seneca and Arrow, HPG Airbus H145.
- SU8 compatibility.
- Bugfix: Fuel planning, only the first engine was taken into account when using sensor data.
- Added extended map features in utilities and airport info pages (premium + specific key). See the documentation.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: Distance to destination map field not correct.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: VTF approach duplicate FAF.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: VTF approach activate leg action sets a bad leg.
- WTT Mode: adding the correct flying phase annunciations.
- Bugfix: the GS indicator was displayed only in the premium version.
- Adding an optional GS indicator in the map page that works for ILS and RNAV approaches.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: Visual approach legs were bad.
- User waypoints added by the stock sim in approach procedures are not displayed anymore as a red square.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: Visual approach selection not working for runways with a designator (ex 03L).
- Bugfix: WTT mode: Cannot add a procedure if origin and destination are the same and no other waypoint in the FP.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: The ILS VLOC mode was not set automatically.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: Setting autopilot modes may fail for some aircraft.
- Bugfix: WTT mode: In approach, the flight state may stay to “ENR” instead of “APPR”.
- Added WTT package for Carenado Ovation (requires Ovation package 1.5.1 minimum).
- Bugfix: WTT mode: the GTN750 is working badly if no destination is defined in the world map.
- Bugfix: Seminole WTT: Selecting negative VS values was impossible.
- Seminole WTT package updated to v 1.0.1.
- Skymaster WTT package updated to v 1.0.1.
- Bugfix: the GTN650 default NAV page was not working from v 2.1.5.
- Bugfix: Nxi compatibility: the autopilot state sometimes resets.
- SU8 beta compatibility (the package should work also without SU8 beta).
- Bugfix: Nxi compatibility: the create user waypoint page back button was not working.
- Bugfix: Nxi compatibility: the airway preview was not working.
- Bugfix: Nxi compatibility: the PFD CDI was flickering.
- WT G1000 Nxi compatibility step 5 (experimental see the documentation).
- Bugfix: the GTN650 map page was not working in v 2.1.4.
- BugFix: the map compass was true north-oriented instead of magnetic.
- Adding a L variable to toggle the panel display from external applications.
- WT G1000 Nxi compatibility step 4 (experimental see the documentation).
- Bugfix: Procedure selection may not display the currently loaded procedure when entering the page.
- Bugfix: Too many flight plan updates may cause stutters.
- WT G1000 Nxi compatibility step 3 (experimental see the documentation).
- WT G1000 Nxi compatibility step 2 (experimental see the documentation).
- WT G1000 Nxi compatibility step 1 (experimental see the documentation).
- Reporting the transponder ident to the sim.
- Bugfix: World map flight plan cleaning issue at startup that may result in a bad flight plan.
- Bugfix: Checklist remote import not working for some aircrafts.
- Group and checklist names are now limited to 30 characters.
- Added the checklists page in the map fields options.
- Added a checklist remote repository (import from PMS50).
- Importing a checklist now updates it in all the cockpit’s GPS (650, 750, or Panel).
- bugfix: Few checklists display.
- bugfix: Checklist or group selection UP and DOWN buttons not working.
- Bugfix in import checklists.
- Added checklists (premium).
- Added clean screen utility (not very useful in a sim).
- Added fuel planning units and fuel type parameters.
- Added airspace altitudes when clicking on a nearest airspace list item.
- SU7 compatibility.
- Added fuel planning page (premium).
- Added user waypoint creation from map page (premium).
- The map page zoom now centers on clicked map point like in the original instrument.
- Added a cursor in the map page when in pan mode.
- Enhanced world map flight plan cleaning (removing TIMEVERT waypoints).
- Added betzel events for the toolbar panel (L variables).
- Bugfix: Flight plan not completely deleted after a delete order if an approach is loaded. Entering a new origin was then impossible.
- Bugfix: The approach autoactivation may not work if the last enroute waypoint is the same as the first approach waypoint.
- Added a mitigation button to help adjust brightness control with very bright betzels.
- Bugfix: Still stuttering issue definitively fixed.
- Bugfix: stuttering issue if used with a low specs PC.
- Bugfix: The sim may change the current leg while loading or removing an approach.
- Bugfix: The sim may change the autopilot NAV mode after canceling a direct TO.
- Bugfix: the reload GPS option was not working.
- Bugfix: some waypoint display issues.
- Bugfix: FP is sometimes deleted when it has less than 3 waypoints.
- Bugfix: The approach frequency was not set when activating the approach.
- SU6 compatibility (final step).
- Leaving OBS mode now switches to directTo (except for a user waypoint).
- The panel version power on is now linked to the main bus voltage instead of the avionics circuit. This prevents the GTN to stay off if there is no avionics bus in the airplane.
- The default value for the U-turn bug workaround is now unset since the bug has been fixed in SU6.
- Removing the workarounds about adding and removing waypoints since the bugs have been fixed in SU6.
- Activating the approach sets a direct To the IAF as in the original instrument.
- SU6 compatibility (third step).
- Added COM frequency ident and type in radio part.
- Increased max intersection display range.
- The fast find button of the waypoint keyboard selection displays the last map selected waypoint if there is one. This gives an easy way to add a waypoint to the Flight plan by selecting it from the map (premium).
- Added flight plan button in the map page pan mode (doesn’t exist in the real unit, premium).
- Added a charts button in the procedure selection pages.
- The frequency keyboard’s first digit is now always 1 as in the real unit.
- Added a compass on the map page (premium).
- SU6 compatibility (second step).
- Autocleaning flight plan at startup.
- Changed flight plan map display.
- Bugfix: the ETED field was displaying bad information in the case of directTO.
- Bugfix: The find recent waypoints page was lowering FPS.
- SU6 compatibility (first step
- Bugfix: Text keyboard option Qwerty / ABC works now also in the waypoint selection.
- Bugfix: Enhancement of the u-turn bug workaround that was not working in some situations.
- Bugfix: Bad display of the terrain page when switching from the main map.
- Bugfix: The VS map field is not displayed if there is no flight plan.
- Bugfix: The GTN750 buttons can stay active even if the GPS is hidden (ex in Carenado aircrafts when using the GNS530).
- Added text keyboard option Qwerty / ABC.
- Added user waypoint banks (20 banks of 100 waypoints).
- Added user waypoint import from file.
- Removed the perf option.
- bugfix: Home push long on GTN650 was sometimes not going to the default nav page.
- Keep direct To target when changing flight plan.
- Cruising altitude can be set from flight plan menu.
- Added flight timers in the Utility menu (premium).
- Bugfix: cleaning FP sometimes not working.
- Bugfix: it was not possible to enter an airway for the last SID waypoint.
- Bugfix: display issue in catalog item if origin or destination is a user waypoint.
- Bugfix: display issue in flight plan preview if origin or destination is not an airport.
- Banana now works in North Up
- Banana smoothing.
- Workaround to the MSFS airways issue (missing or bad exit waypoints).
- Bugfix: Could not select arrival transition.
- Bugfix: storing into FP catalog may require 2 attempts.
- Bugfix: discard any user WP in procedure when importing FP.
- Airways saved in FPL catalog.
- FPL Import accepts airways.
- Display IAF/FAF in flight plan page.
- Added along track waypoint creation (premium).
- bugfix: VS map field was not displayed correctly.
- Added banana for target altitude in Map page (premium).
- Safe mode option removed.
- Added a target altitude source option in options page.
- Added a target altitude Map field.
- Duplicate waypoints sorted by distance.
- Added the Find button in waypoint keyboard (premium).
- Added beacon marker visual alert (premium).
- Waypoint altitude constraint can be set in flight plan (except for approach waypoints).
- Import flight plan sets the given cruising altitude for all enroute waypoints.
- User waypoints (in beta for now).
- Speed up the display of nearest pages.
- DA62 package updated for SU5 compatibility.
- the OBS angle initial value is now taken from the HSI/CDI (depends on the aircraft).
- Adding the map field ETA (estimated time of arrival at waypoint).
- The old map ETA field is now ETA Dest (estimated time of arrival at destination).
- Added the map field ETE Dest (estimated time left to destination).
- pressing and holding the home button of the GTN650 brings you to the default nav page instead of the map page.
- bugfix: the OBS path was not displayed in directTo if there was an empty flight plan.
- bugfix: the directTo was not working correctly.
- bugfix: the clean flight plan was available only on premium version.
- C172 G1000 float and ski version integrated (same package as C172 G1000).
- bugfix: the messages were not refreshed correctly.
- bugfix: activate leg on approach waypoint was no working.
- bugfix: the correct leg was not reactivated after a direct to an approach WP.
- bugfix: the COM XFER was not working in the GTN650.
- adding a clean flight plan option that removes the TIMECLI and TIMEAPPR waypoints introduced in SU5.
- bugfix: direcTo an approach waypoint removes the flight plan when reaching the target.
- panel: added a standby mode (see doc).
- ident length of the imported user waypoints are now limited to 5 characters (issue in activate leg otherwise).
- vcalc now accepts user waypoints.
- bugfix: cold and dark fps and memory issue.
- bugfix: airport elevation was displayed in meter instead of feet.
- added: FPL import accept user waypoints.
- bugfix: bad distance to destination if target directTo is final WP.
- bugfix: panel was not resizing or minimize correctly.
- workaround to MSFS resize panel issue (some images not showing after panel resize).
- Display OBS angle in CDI if OBS active.
- panel: added a way to move it without displaying the header.
- panel: control areas have changed (see doc).
- added Baron G58, cirrus SR22 and Carenado C182T as a compatible aircrafts.
- Compatibility with sim update 5.
- Single package instead of separate basic and premium.
- Added GTN650.
- The panel is now compatible with a cockpit GTN750.
- Added cities and constraints in the map menu.
- Panel is now directly integrated into the GTN750 package.
- Panel: added a way to call home, map and directTo pages.
- Panel: added a shortcut to toggle visibility (SHIFT + CTRL +S).
- Panel: hide it when switching to external view.
- Panel: bugfix. Button events were triggered when clicking outside the panel.
- bugfix: the airplane icon was not displayed in the panel after a restart.
- bugfix: traffic data was not displayed correctly in the panel.
Older change log
v1.0.21 Basic
- Airport info button is now active in FPL procedure lines.
- Added System Status page with version + database info.
- Prevent adding enroute WP while an approach is active.
- Workaround to add/remove WP bug in MSFS when an approach is loaded.
- Adding a popup independent panel (experimental feature).
- Some minor bug fixes.
v1.0.20 Basic
- Bugfix: Map Distance to the destination was not correct.
- Larger scrollbars.
v1.0.19 Basic
- Changed description of ETA field.
- Added checking of new version.
- Added display of NAV frequency ident/name.
v1.0.18 Basic BETA
- Compatibility with sim update 4.
- Added an option for the U-Turn bug workaround.
- Airspace message option disabled by default.
v1.0.17 Basic BETA
- bugfix: disable msg button when messaging is disabled.
- changed airspace messaging management.
- added an option to disable airspace messages.
v1.0.16 Basic BETA
- bugfix: HUD was displayed as a glass cockpit when embedded in a betzel.
v1.0.15 Basic BETA
- Reducing map refresh frequency to prevent CTDs.
- Changed the WT engine page detection.
- Load procedure from waypoint page is possible now according to waypoint (destination or origin).
- bugfix: map cropped if nexrad option is active while starting flight.
v1.0.14 Basic BETA
- bugfix: DA62X Aux fuel not displayed.
- bugfix: Airport symbol orientation to the main runway.
- Added a speed option in setup.
- Added a safe mode option in setup.
v1.0.13 Basic BETA
- Added option for a directTo button in map pan view.
- Added volume control.
- Changed airplane icon.
- bugfix: bad VOR name in VOR info page.
- bugfix: Map display error on airspaces and roads.
v1.0.12 Basic BETA
- Aircraft position displayed in Charts (requires premium >= 1.0.8).
v1.0.11 Basic BETA
- Added audio panel
- Added an options page
v1.0.10 Basic BETA
- bugfix: button Navigraph connection not displayed
- bugfix: global brightness control makes some menu transparent
v1.0.9 Basic BETA
- added map home button (home push long)
- Added global brightness control (system/backlight menu)
- bugfix: map home button was resetting context buttons
v1.0.8 Basic BETA
- bugfix: frequency display in airport info
- bugfix: frequency display in NDB info
- bugfix: Bad vertical distances in traffic
- bugfix: Wind arrow not displayed
v1.0.7 Basic BETA
- Wind field was displaying always 88
v1.0.6 Basic BETA
- Manage index for dual GTN750 installation
- Integrator’s guide updated
v1.0.5 Basic BETA
- bugfix: Engine page not displayed
v1.0.4 Basic BETA
- bugfix: VSR field was VS instead of VSR
- Added VS Map field
- Prohibit duplicates in map fields
- Added detection of WT and multiple engine pages (G1000 replacement)
v1.0.3 Basic BETA
- bugfix: procedure map legs not well displayed when OBS is active
v1.0.2 Basic BETA
- Added distance to destination field
- display bug Sirius weather title (XW instead of XM)
- Fuel flow map field was not displaying correct information
v1.0.18 Premium
- Airways management in flight plan page.
- minor bugfix in Navigraph connection.
v1.0.17 Premium
- bugfix: Navigraph connection may be lost after 30 minutes.
v1.0.16 Premium
- Navigraph connection issue.
- Added FPL invert.
- Larger scrollbars.
v1.0.15 Premium
- Changed description of ETA field.
- Added checking of new version.
- Added checking of license expiration.
v1.0.14 Premium BETA
- Compatibility with sim update 4.
- bugfix: Traffic bad display of negative relative altitude.
- traffic: added a range level 1nm.
- Weather radar calibration.
- Added Url for Navigraph setup.
v1.0.13 Premium BETA
- added an option GSL/AGL Altitude in Terrain page.
v1.0.12 Premium BETA
- bugfix: HUD was displayed as a glass cockpit when embedded in a betzel.
v1.0.11 Premium BETA
- Reducing map refresh frequency to prevent CTDs.
v1.0.10 Premium BETA
- bugfix: Navigraph connection lost (will still occur in case of CTD).
v1.0.09 Premium BETA
- Increased charts zoom level.
- Added a message if we can’t get the Navigraph QrCode.
- Added TOD Map field.
- bugfix: VSR Map field was empty
v1.0.08 Premium BETA
- Aircraft position displayed in Charts (requires basic >= 1.0.12)
v1.0.07 Premium BETA
- Added an options page
v1.0.6 Premium BETA
- Added charts as a page map field
v1.0.5 Premium BETA
- Added global brightness control (system/backlight menu)
v1.0.4 Premium BETA
- Added brightness control for chart images (Charts menu)
v1.0.3 Premium BETA
- Navigraph charts integration
- Laurin Traffic Service integration (requires https://github.com/laurinius/MSFSTrafficService)
v1.0.2 Premium BETA
- Bugfix in get Metar info